ENVELOPE Project Plenary Meeting in Nicosia

The ENVELOPE Project partners convened for a productive two-day plenary meeting on 13-14 May in Nicosia, Cyprus, hosted by the project partner eBOS. The event brought together key stakeholders to discuss the progress and future steps of the project, which focuses on the application of 5G and 6G technologies to autonomous driving.

On the first day, Work Packages 1 and 2 presented their progress, covering topics such as use cases, ENVELOPE architecture, platform and service requirements, and stakeholder analysis. These discussions laid the groundwork for identifying and addressing the critical needs of the project, setting a clear path for future tasks.

The second day delved into the advancements and plans for Work Packages 3 through 8, focusing on open call processes, system requirements, and network availability for 5G and 6G. The discussions were dynamic and enriched with diverse perspectives and innovative ideas, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the ENVELOPE partners.

The exchange of ideas and the development of new strategies underscore the project’s dedication to advancing autonomous driving technologies. The ENVELOPE Project continues to progress, driven by the collective efforts of its partners. 

Thanks to all participants for their invaluable contributions, and a special thanks to eBOS for hosting this successful plenary meeting in Nicosia.