Turin takes lead in 5G and 6G autonomous vehicle technology with ENVELOPE Project
Turin has been selected as a key test site for advanced 5G and 6G technology solutions for autonomous and connected vehicles under the European ENVELOPE project. This initiative supports the EU’s 2030 environmental and climate goals and is part of the Horizon Europe call managed by the Smart and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).
ENVELOPE involves 23 European partners, with Turin focusing on mobility. Local partners include Teoresi Group, Fondazione LINKS, and Torino City Lab. Teoresi is providing two autonomous vehicle prototypes for testing, equipped with advanced sensors and 5G-capable communication technology installed by LINKS. These prototypes will be tested in real-world conditions provided by Torino City Lab’s living lab ToMove initiative.
Marco Bazzani, Innovation Manager at Teoresi Group, stated, “Innovative technologies are creating new mobility options that will permanently change our lifestyle. We are proud to be part of this project, highlighting Turin’s role as an innovation hub.”
Read the full press release here.